| Descripción | |
 | Accesorios para la bandeja de extracción de sangre, ABS / Heathrow Scientific LLC | |
 | Accesorios para la gradilla de drenaje, PS / Heathrow Scientific LLC | |
| Accesorios para Minicentrífuga de alta velocidad Gusto™ / Heathrow Scientific LLC | |
 | Agitador de inducción magnética / Heathrow Scientific LLC | |
 | Agitador magnético Mini / Heathrow Scientific LLC | |
 | Agitador orbital digital / Heathrow Scientific LLC | |
| Agitador orbital Sea Star® Descripción Adaptador de red de repuesto Cargamáxima kg / Heathrow Scientific LLC | |
| Agitador orbital Sea Star® Descripción Alfombrilla de goma de repuesto Cargamáxima kg / Heathrow Scientific LLC | |
 | Alfombrillas de laboratorio Workstation Lab Mat, silicona / Heathrow Scientific LLC | |
 | Alfombrillas de laboratorio, silicona / Heathrow Scientific LLC | |
 | Anillos de lastre, en forma de C, de plomo / Heathrow Scientific LLC | |
 | Aros de lastre, forma de O, plomo / Heathrow Scientific LLC | |
 | Bandeja de tinción de portaobjetos, PP con talco / Heathrow Scientific LLC | |
 | Bandejas de laboratorio con inserto, DROPLET™, PS / Heathrow Scientific LLC | |
 | Bandejas desechables, DROPLET™, PP / Heathrow Scientific LLC | |
 | Bolsas de eliminación de riesgo biológico, PP / Heathrow Scientific LLC | |
 | Botes de pesaje desechables, PS / Heathrow Scientific LLC | |
 | Caja de clasificación, ABS / Heathrow Scientific LLC | |
 | Caja de transporte de muestras DuraPorter® XL / Heathrow Scientific LLC | |
 | Cajas criogénicas Arctic Squares®, PC / Heathrow Scientific LLC | |
 | Cajas criogénicas Arctic Squares®, PC / Heathrow Scientific LLC | |
| Cajas criogénicas Arctic Squares®, PC, esterilizables en autoclave Para tubitos hasta 5,0 ml Color violeta Dimension / Heathrow Scientific LLC | |
 | Cajas criogénicas north®Flatpack, PP-Film / Heathrow Scientific LLC | |
 | Cajas criogénicas true north®Flatpack, PP / Heathrow Scientific LLC | |
 | Cajas criogénicas, PP, 81 pocillos, esterilizables en autoclave, set / Heathrow Scientific LLC | |
 | Cajas criogénicas, PP, 81 pocillos, esterilizables en autoclave / Heathrow Scientific LLC | |
 | Cajas de almacenamiento criogénico Transformer™ Cube, PP / Heathrow Scientific LLC | |
 | Cajas de almacenamiento de microtubos, PP, 50/100 pocillos / Heathrow Scientific LLC | |
 | Cajas de almacenamiento de microtubos, PP, 50/100 pocillos, set / Heathrow Scientific LLC | |
 | Cajas de cartón criogénicas, 145x145 / Heathrow Scientific LLC | |
 | Cajas de cartón criogénicas, con tapa / Heathrow Scientific LLC | |
 | Cajas de cartón criogénicas, con tapa / Heathrow Scientific LLC | |
 | Cajas de portaobjetos Premium Plus / Heathrow Scientific LLC | |
 | Cajas de portaobjetos Premium Plus / Heathrow Scientific LLC | |
 | Cajas para portaobjetos / Heathrow Scientific LLC | |
 | Cajas para portaobjetos de microscopio, ABS, para portaobjetos grandes / Heathrow Scientific LLC | |
 | Cajas para portaobjetos, PP / Heathrow Scientific LLC | |
 | Contador de colonias eCount™ / Heathrow Scientific LLC | |
 | Contenedores de dispensación / Heathrow Scientific LLC | |
 | Controlador de pipeta RF1000 / Heathrow Scientific LLC | |
 | Cubeta de tinción desechable, PP/PE / Heathrow Scientific LLC | |
 | Cubetas para reactivos / Heathrow Scientific LLC | |
 | Cubo de soporte para recipientes, PP / Heathrow Scientific LLC | |
 | Cucharas de pesaje desechables, antiestáticas, PS / Heathrow Scientific LLC | |
 | Cuchillas de afeitar de seguridad smartSlicer™, PET / Heathrow Scientific LLC | |
 | Cuentapiezas económicos / Heathrow Scientific LLC | |
 | Cuentapiezas manual / Heathrow Scientific LLC | |
 | Depósitos de reactivos / Heathrow Scientific LLC | |
 | Desecador portátil DURAPorter™, PC / Heathrow Scientific LLC | |
 | Dispensador 3 en 1, Acryl / Heathrow Scientific LLC | |
 | Dispensador de gafas protectoras Clearly Safe® / Heathrow Scientific LLC | |
 | Dispensador de guantes Flexihold / Heathrow Scientific LLC | |
 | Dispensador de guantes, acrílico / Heathrow Scientific LLC | |
 | Dispensador de guantes, alambre / Heathrow Scientific LLC | |
 | Dispensador de guantes, resina / Heathrow Scientific LLC | |
 | Dispensador de guantes, resina, antimicrobiano / Heathrow Scientific LLC | |
 | Dispensador PARAFILM® M, ABS / Heathrow Scientific LLC | |
 | Dispensador, Acryl / Heathrow Scientific LLC | |
| Divisiones para cajas de cartón criogénicas / Heathrow Scientific LLC | |
 | Embudo de papel desechable Eco-smartFunnel™ / Heathrow Scientific LLC | |
 | Esparcidor de células Delta™ / Heathrow Scientific LLC | |
 | Espátulas para polvo smartSPATULAS®, PP / Heathrow Scientific LLC | |
 | Estación de trabajo con dispensador de puntas de pipeta / Heathrow Scientific LLC | |
 | Estantes para criocajas Arctic Squares®, Acero inoxidable / Heathrow Scientific LLC | |
 | Estuches para portaobjetos de cartón / Heathrow Scientific LLC | |
 | Expendedor o dispensador de etiquetas, fibra acríllica para Tough-Tags® / Cryo-Babies® / T / Heathrow Scientific LLC | |
 | Fix angle rotors for High-Speed Mini-Centrifuge Gusto™ / Heathrow Scientific LLC | |
 | Gradilla criogénica TracRack® / Heathrow Scientific LLC | |
 | Gradilla de 12-40-168 pocillos PCR, de PP / Heathrow Scientific LLC | |
 | Gradilla de almacenamiento para cajas de portaobjetos, acrílico / Heathrow Scientific LLC | |
 | Gradilla de drenaje, PS / Heathrow Scientific LLC | |
 | Gradilla de PCR® de 96 pocillos, baja temperatura / Heathrow Scientific LLC | |
 | Gradilla flotante para tubos, PE / Heathrow Scientific LLC | |
 | Gradilla para PCR de 96 pocillos, PP / Heathrow Scientific LLC | |
 | Gradilla para pipetas serológicas / Heathrow Scientific LLC | |
 | Gradilla para tubos Adapt-a-Rack™, POM / Heathrow Scientific LLC | |
 | Gradilla para tubos OneRack® Multi / Heathrow Scientific LLC | |
 | Gradilla para tubos pop-up™ , plegable, PP / Heathrow Scientific LLC | |
 | Gradilla para tubos, acero revestido de HDPE / Heathrow Scientific LLC | |
 | Gradilla PCR 32 pocillos, PP / Heathrow Scientific LLC | |
 | Gradilla pop-up™, plegable, PP, para 2 tamaños de tubo / Heathrow Scientific LLC | |
 | Gradillas criogénicas, PC / Heathrow Scientific LLC | |
 | Gradillas de drenaje, acero recubierto de HDPE / Heathrow Scientific LLC | |
 | Gradillas OneRack®, PP / Heathrow Scientific LLC | |
 | Gradillas para la colocación y secado de tubos, PP / Heathrow Scientific LLC | |
 | Gradillas para mezcladoras de rodillos, PP / Heathrow Scientific LLC | |
 | Gradillas para microtubos Rota-Rack® Duo / Heathrow Scientific LLC | |
 | Gradillas para microtubos, 20 pocillos, PP / Heathrow Scientific LLC | |
 | Gradillas para microtubos, PP, 80 pocillos / Heathrow Scientific LLC | |
| Gradillas para microtubos, PP, 96 pocillos / Heathrow Scientific LLC | |
 | Gradillas para pipetas serológicas / Heathrow Scientific LLC | |
 | Gradillas para tubos de alambre de un pocillo, acero recubierto de epoxi / Heathrow Scientific LLC | |
 | Gradillas para tubos de ensayo Mega Rack®, ABS / Heathrow Scientific LLC | |
 | Gradillas para tubos de ensayo Mega Rack®, PP / Heathrow Scientific LLC | |
 | Gradillas para tubos de ensayo, OneRack®, POM / Heathrow Scientific LLC | |
 | Gradillas para tubos de ensayo, OneRack®, POM, medio tamaño / Heathrow Scientific LLC | |
 | Gradillas para tubos de ensayo, PP, clínicas, de 4 vías / Heathrow Scientific LLC | |
 | Gradillas para tubos de un pocillo de ajuste por fricción, PS / Heathrow Scientific LLC | |
 | Gradillas para tubos de un pocillo, PP / Heathrow Scientific LLC | |
 | Gradillas para tubos Rota-Rack®, PP / Heathrow Scientific LLC | |
 | Gradillas para tubos Rota-Rack®, PP, para microtubos / Heathrow Scientific LLC | |
 | Gradillas para tubos, PP, 4 direcciones / Heathrow Scientific LLC | |
 | Gradillas universales, PP / Heathrow Scientific LLC | |
 | Grippers for cryogenic and vaccine vials, PP / Heathrow Scientific LLC | |
 | Grippers for vaccine vials, PP / Heathrow Scientific LLC | |
 | Inocular agujas smartPicks®, madera / Heathrow Scientific LLC | |
 | Insert MultiTube-Rack para caja de transporte de muestras DuraPorter XL, tamaño de posición variable / Heathrow Scientific LLC | |
 | Insertos para caja de transporte de muestras DuraPorter XL, tamaño de una posición / Heathrow Scientific LLC | |
 | Kit de centrífuga, Mini-Centrifuge Sprout® plus / Heathrow Scientific LLC | |
 | Mini agitador vórtex / Heathrow Scientific LLC | |
 | Mini caja de luz y mini lente de aumento / Heathrow Scientific LLC | |
 | Mini-centrífuga y agitador magnético MagFuge® 2 en 1 / Heathrow Scientific LLC | |
 | Minicentrífuga de alta velocidad Gusto™ / Heathrow Scientific LLC | |
 | Minicentrífuga Sprout® plus / Heathrow Scientific LLC | |
 | Navecillas de pesaje smartBoats™, papel / Heathrow Scientific LLC | |
 | Pinzas para viales criogénicos, PP / Heathrow Scientific LLC | |
 | Pipette Workstation for Single channel microliter pipettes / Heathrow Scientific LLC | |
 | Platillos de pesaje con pico, PS / Heathrow Scientific LLC | |
 | Platillos de pesaje, PS / Heathrow Scientific LLC | |
 | Portabotellas de seguridad, PP / Heathrow Scientific LLC | |
 | Recipiente de almacenamiento Tubby®, PP, con tapa y divisor / Heathrow Scientific LLC | |
 | Recipiente para portaobjetos / Heathrow Scientific LLC | |
 | Recipiente para portaobjetos / Heathrow Scientific LLC | |
 | Recipiente para portaobjetos / Heathrow Scientific LLC | |
 | Recipiente refrigerante True North®, PU / Heathrow Scientific LLC | |
| Refrigeradores de depósito de reactivos / Heathrow Scientific LLC | |
 | Refrigeradores de PCR / Heathrow Scientific LLC | |
 | Rotulador permanente Sharpie® / Heathrow Scientific LLC | |
 | Rotulador permanente Sharpie® Set / Heathrow Scientific LLC | |
 | Separadores para cajas de cartón criogénicas / Heathrow Scientific LLC | |
 | Set de gradillas para microtubos, PP, 96 pocillos / Heathrow Scientific LLC | |
 | Sistema de almacenamiento de laboratorio MagLab, magnético / Heathrow Scientific LLC | |
 | Soporte de pared universal para pipeta, ABS / Heathrow Scientific LLC | |
 | Soporte de pipeta universal para micropipetas mono y multicanal / Heathrow Scientific LLC | |
 | Soporte para portaobjetos, PE / Heathrow Scientific LLC | |
 | Soportes para micropipetas monocanal / Heathrow Scientific LLC | |
 | Soportes para pipetas Flip & Grip™ para micropipetas de monocanal y multicanal / Heathrow Scientific LLC | |
 | Tarjeta de inventario de repuesto para cajas de portaobjetos Microscope Premium Plus / Heathrow Scientific LLC | |
| Tarjeta de inventario de repuesto para cajas de portaobjetos, PP / Heathrow Scientific LLC | |
 | Termoselladora con cortadora / Heathrow Scientific LLC | |
 | Tubos de centrífuga, negros, PP, estériles / Heathrow Scientific LLC | |
 | Tubos de reacción, negros, PP / Heathrow Scientific LLC | |
 | Vortexer digital / Heathrow Scientific LLC | |
| [EN]: 1-Place cardboard slide holders 95 x 40 x 5 mm, pack of 25 / Heathrow Scientific LLC | |
| [EN]: Bacterial Cell spreaders 146x38x4 mm, ABS, sterile pack of 500 / Heathrow Scientific LLC | |
| [EN]: Bacterial Cell spreaders 146x38x4 mm, ABS, sterile single wrap, pack of 500 / Heathrow Scientific LLC | |
| [EN]: Bag holder Epoxy coated / Heathrow Scientific LLC | |
| [EN]: Bag sealer with cutter 220/240V, UK-plug, grey / Heathrow Scientific LLC | |
| [EN]: Bungee Cords, Black pack of 8 / Heathrow Scientific LLC | |
| [EN]: Cane for cryo vials, aluminium for 5 vials, for storage in freezer or LN2 Dewar, pack of 12 / Heathrow Scientific LLC | |
| [EN]: Cardboard Cryogenic Tube box 25 place 5x5 format, for 1.5/2ml tubes, pack of 200 / Heathrow Scientific LLC | |
| [EN]: Cell Spreader Stainless Steel, 33mm bar / Heathrow Scientific LLC | |
| [EN]: Cryo cane sleeve PVC, pack of 100 / Heathrow Scientific LLC | |
| [EN]: Cryo-vials 2 ml with lid, pack of 500 / Heathrow Scientific LLC | |
| [EN]: Diamond Boats 25 ml, anti-static black, pack of 500 / Heathrow Scientific LLC | |
| [EN]: Dispenser Kimwipes® acrylic, clear, mountable, incl. screws, 320x127x98mm (LxWxD) / Heathrow Scientific LLC | |
| [EN]: Drawer oganizing cases 3 cases (2:430x80mm, 1:430x110mm) / Heathrow Scientific LLC | |
| [EN]: Drawer, stack acrylic, clear / Heathrow Scientific LLC | |
| [EN]: Floating rack, PP, round for 20 x 1,5/2,0 ml tubes white / Heathrow Scientific LLC | |
| [EN]: Floating rack, PP, square for 16 x 1,5/2,0 ml tubes white / Heathrow Scientific LLC | |
| [EN]: Fold and snap tube rack PP, for 16 mm tubes, 60-places, white / Heathrow Scientific LLC | |
| [EN]: Fold and snap tube rack PP, for 16 mm tubes, 60-places, yellow / Heathrow Scientific LLC | |
| [EN]: Fold and snap tube rack PP, for 20 mm tubes, 40-places, red / Heathrow Scientific LLC | |
| [EN]: Forceps 110mm, straight plastic, blue, pack of 6 / Heathrow Scientific LLC | |
| [EN]: Four channel Timer Lab Alert® / Heathrow Scientific LLC | |
| [EN]: Hexagonal Weigh Boat Medium, Anti-static, White, Sterile 5 wrap pack of 200 / Heathrow Scientific LLC | |
| [EN]: Hexagonal Weigh Boat Small, Anti-static, White, Sterile 5 wrap pack of 200 / Heathrow Scientific LLC | |
| [EN]: Holder for cryo tubes for 6 tubes, for storage in freezers or LN2 Dewar jars, pack of 12 / Heathrow Scientific LLC | |
| [EN]: Inoculating loops 1 µl, 200 x 4mm Flexible PP, pack of 1000 / Heathrow Scientific LLC | |
| [EN]: Inoculating loops 10 µl, 200 x 4mm ABS, pack of 50 x 20 / Heathrow Scientific LLC | |
| [EN]: Inoculating Needle/Loops 10uL Flexible, Sterile blue, pack of 1000pcs. / Heathrow Scientific LLC | |
| [EN]: Lab Alert® Pocket Timer / Stopwatch, with LCD Display 71x61x25mm / Heathrow Scientific LLC | |
| [EN]: Lab Alert® Tripple Timer blue / Heathrow Scientific LLC | |
| [EN]: Latex dropper bulbs 2 ml, red pack of 72 / Heathrow Scientific LLC | |
| [EN]: Lid for Sprout® / Heathrow Scientific LLC | |
| [EN]: Manual Pipette Controller, blue / Heathrow Scientific LLC | |
| [EN]: Micro centrifuge tubes 0.2ml natural, PP, with writing area, with snap cap, natural, pack of 1000 / Heathrow Scientific LLC | |
| [EN]: Micro centrifuge tubes 0.5ml natural, PP, with writing area, with snap cap, natural, pack of 1000 / Heathrow Scientific LLC | |
| [EN]: Micro centrifuge tubes 1.5ml with frosted writing area, snap-cap, pierceable, natural, pack of 1000 / Heathrow Scientific LLC | |
| [EN]: Microcentrifuge tubes 1.5ml with frosted writing area, snap-cap, pierceable, natural, pack of 500 / Heathrow Scientific LLC | |
| [EN]: Microscope slide box, blue for 25 microlope slides 76x26 mm foam insert / Heathrow Scientific LLC | |
| [EN]: Microscope slide box, white for 25 microlope slides 76x26 mm foam insert / Heathrow Scientific LLC | |
| [EN]: Microtube Rack for 24x1.5/2ml tubes, blue, pack of 8 / Heathrow Scientific LLC | |
| [EN]: Microtube Rack for 96x1.5/2ml tubes, blue, pack of 4 / Heathrow Scientific LLC | |
| [EN]: Microtube storage box for 100 tubes blue, 141x151x57mm / Heathrow Scientific LLC | |
| [EN]: Microtube storage box for 100 tubes of 1.5 and 2.0 ml Ø orange, 141x151x57mm, pack of 5 / Heathrow Scientific LLC | |
| [EN]: Microtube storage box for 100 tubes of 1.5 and 2.0 ml Ø Yellow, 141x151x57mm, pack of 5 / Heathrow Scientific LLC | |
| [EN]: Microtube storage box for 100 tubes, green, 141x151x57mm pack of 5 / Heathrow Scientific LLC | |
| [EN]: Petri-dish dispenser Acryl / Heathrow Scientific LLC | |
| [EN]: Pipette holder Tri-Clamp-Ette® blue, for 3 pipets / Heathrow Scientific LLC | |
| [EN]: Pipette tip disposal box 154mm x 171mm x 206 mm / Heathrow Scientific LLC | |
| [EN]: Pour-Boat weighing dishes large, blue, anti-static, 140 x 140 x 22 mm, pack of 500 / Heathrow Scientific LLC | |
| [EN]: Pour-Boat weighing dishes Large, white, anti-static, 108x 183 x 26 mm, pack of 500 / Heathrow Scientific LLC | |
| [EN]: Pour-Boat weighing dishes medium, white, anti-static, 83 x 132 x 26 mm, pack of 500 / Heathrow Scientific LLC | |
| [EN]: Pour-Boat weighing dishes smal, white, anti-static, 43 x 58 x 13 mm, pack of 500 / Heathrow Scientific LLC | |
| [EN]: Pour-Boat weighing dishes small, blue, anti-static, 40 x 40 x 8 mm, pack of 500 / Heathrow Scientific LLC | |
| [EN]: Rack for PCR-boxes, stainless steel 15,2 x 15,7 x 13,4 mm, 6 places (2x3), for freezers / Heathrow Scientific LLC | |
| [EN]: Replacement Filter Adapter silicone, natural / Heathrow Scientific LLC | |
| [EN]: Replacement O-ring for Mini centrifuge Sprout pack of 10 / Heathrow Scientific LLC | |
| [EN]: Replacement Pipette Adapter Silicone, Natural / Heathrow Scientific LLC | |