| Descripción | |
| Accesorios para bancos limpios de flujo laminar, tipo Airstream® / ESCO Lifesciences | |
| Accesorios para la cabina de seguridad microbiológica, clase II Tipo Airstream® / ESCO Lifesciences | |
| Cabina de seguridad microbiológica, clase II Tipo Airstream® / ESCO Lifesciences | |
| Cabina de seguridad microbiológica, clase II, según DIN 12469, tipo Airstream® Plus / ESCO Lifesciences | |
| Cabina de seguridad microbiológica, clase II, tipo NordicSafe® / ESCO Lifesciences | |
| Cabina de seguridad para citotóxicos Tipo Citocultura / ESCO Lifesciences | |
| Cabina para PCR tipo Streamline®/Airstream® / ESCO Lifesciences | |
| Cabinas de flujo laminar Airstream® / ESCO Lifesciences | |
| Filtros de reserva para las vitrinas de gases sin conductos Tipo Ascent™ Max / ESCO Lifesciences | |
| Filtros principales para las vitrinas de gases sin conductos Tipo Ascent™ Max / ESCO Lifesciences | |
| Filtros principales para las vitrinas de gases sin conductos Tipo Ascenso Opti™ / ESCO Lifesciences | |
| Incubadora de CO2 CelCulture® con interior de acero inoxidable/camisa de aire y filtro ULPA / ESCO Lifesciences | |
| Incubadora de CO2 CelCulture® con interior de cobre/camisa de aire y filtro ULPA / ESCO Lifesciences | |
| Incubadora de CO2 CelCulture® con interior de acero inoxidable/camisa de aire, sin filtro ULPA / ESCO Lifesciences | |
| Incubadoras de CO2 CelCulture® con esterilización de alto calor, sin filtro ULPA, con control / ESCO Lifesciences | |
| Incubadoras de CO2 CelCulture® con esterilización de alto calor y filtro ULPA / ESCO Lifesciences | |
| Incubadoras de CO2 CelCulture® con esterilización de alto calor, filtro ULPA y control de O | |
| Incubadoras de CO2 CelCulture® con esterilización de alto calor, sin filtro ULPA / ESCO Lifesciences | |
| Soportes de apoyo para cabinas de seguridad microbiológica / ESCO Lifesciences | |
| Soportes para bancos limpios de flujo laminar, tipo Airstream® / ESCO Lifesciences | |
| Soportes para cabinas de PCR tipo Streamline®/Airstream® / ESCO Lifesciences | |
| Soportes para campanas de extracción sin conductos Ascent Opti™ / ESCO Lifesciences | |
| Soportes para campanas y vitrinas de gases / ESCO Lifesciences | |
| Virinas de gases sin conductos Tipo Ascent Opti™ / ESCO Lifesciences | |
| Vitrina de gases tipo Ascent™ Max / ESCO Lifesciences | |
| [EN]: 2-Stage gas regulator COA-2005-F for CO2/N2 / ESCO Lifesciences | |
| [EN]: 2-Stage gas regulator COA-2005-F for CO2/N2 ***Valid if purchased as a spare part *** / ESCO Lifesciences | |
| [EN]: 6 chart recorder, Temp COA-2012-F 115/230VAC, 50/60Hz ***Valid if purchased as a spare part *** / ESCO Lifesciences | |
| [EN]: 6 chart recorder, Temp/RH COA-2014-F 115/230VAC, 50/60Hz ***Valid if purchased as a spare part *** / ESCO Lifesciences | |
| [EN]: 6" chart recorder, Temp COA-2012-F 115/230VAC, 50/60Hz / ESCO Lifesciences | |
| [EN]: 6" chart recorder, Temp/RH COA-2014-F 115/230VAC, 50/60Hz / ESCO Lifesciences | |
| [EN]: 8 chart recorder, Temp/Temp COA-2013-F 115/230VAC, 50/60Hz ***Valid if purchased as a spare part *** / ESCO Lifesciences | |
| [EN]: 8" chart recorder, Temp/Temp COA-2013-F 115/230VAC, 50/60Hz / ESCO Lifesciences | |
| [EN]: Ascent® Opti fume hood ADC-2B1-PP 2ft/0.6m, air circulation, 220-240 VAC, 50 Hz / ESCO Lifesciences | |
| [EN]: Ascent® Opti fume hood ADC-3B1-PP 3ft/0.9m, air circulation, 220-240 VAC, 50 Hz / ESCO Lifesciences | |
| [EN]: Ascent® Opti fume hood ADC-3C1-PP 3ft/0.9m, air circulation, 220-240 VAC, 50 Hz / ESCO Lifesciences | |
| [EN]: Ascent® Opti fume hood ADC-3D1 3ft/0.9m, air circulation, 220-240 VAC, 50 Hz / ESCO Lifesciences | |
| [EN]: Ascent® Opti fume hood ADC-3D1-PP 3ft/0.9m, air circulation, 220-240 VAC, 50 Hz / ESCO Lifesciences | |
| [EN]: Ascent® Opti fume hood ADC-3E1-PP 3ft/0.9m, air circulation, 220-240 VAC, 50 Hz / ESCO Lifesciences | |
| [EN]: Ascent® Opti fume hood ADC-4B1-PP 4ft/1.2m, air circulation, 220-240 VAC, 50 Hz / ESCO Lifesciences | |
| [EN]: Ascent® Opti fume hood ADC-4C1-PP 4ft/1.2m, air circulation, 220-240 VAC, 50 Hz / ESCO Lifesciences | |
| [EN]: Ascent® Opti fume hood ADC-4D1 4ft/1.2m, air circulation, 220-240 VAC, 50 Hz / ESCO Lifesciences | |
| [EN]: Ascent® Opti fume hood ADC-4D1-PP 4ft/1.2m, air circulation, 220-240 VAC, 50 Hz / ESCO Lifesciences | |
| [EN]: Ascent® Opti fume hood ADC-4E1-PP 4ft/1.2m, air circulation, 220-240 VAC, 50 Hz / ESCO Lifesciences | |
| [EN]: Ascent® Opti fume hood ADC-5B1-PP 5ft/1.5m, air circulation, 220-240 VAC, 50 Hz / ESCO Lifesciences | |
| [EN]: Ascent® Opti fume hood ADC-5C1-PP 5ft/1.5m, air circulation, 220-240 VAC, 50 Hz / ESCO Lifesciences | |
| [EN]: Ascent® Opti fume hood ADC-5D1 5ft/1.5m, air circulation, 220-240 VAC, 50 Hz / ESCO Lifesciences | |
| [EN]: Ascent® Opti fume hood ADC-5D1-PP 5ft/1.5m, air circulation, 220-240 VAC, 50 Hz / ESCO Lifesciences | |
| [EN]: Ascent® Opti fume hood ADC-5E1-PP 5ft/1.5m, air circulation, 220-240 VAC, 50 Hz / ESCO Lifesciences | |
| [EN]: Ascent® Opti fume hood ADC-6B1-PP 6ft/1.8m, air circulation, 220-240 VAC, 50 Hz / ESCO Lifesciences | |
| [EN]: Ascent® Opti fume hood ADC-6C1-PP 6ft/1.8m, air circulation, 220-240 VAC, 50 Hz / ESCO Lifesciences | |
| [EN]: Ascent® Opti fume hood ADC-6D1 6ft/1.8m, air circulation, 220-240 VAC, 50 Hz / ESCO Lifesciences | |
| [EN]: Ascent® Opti fume hood ADC-6D1-PP 6ft/1.8m, air circulation, 220-240 VAC, 50 Hz / ESCO Lifesciences | |
| [EN]: Base cabinet EBC-4A0 for Frontier® Mono Fume Hood ***Valid if purchased as a spare part *** / ESCO Lifesciences | |
| [EN]: Base cabinet EBC-4A0 for Frontier® Mono Fume Hood 1200 x 850 x 886 mm / ESCO Lifesciences | |
| [EN]: Base frame SPM-4A1 electrical height adjustable/1.2 ***Valid if purchased as a spare part *** / ESCO Lifesciences | |
| [EN]: Base frame SPM-5A1 electrical height adjustable/1.5 ***Valid if purchased as a spare part *** / ESCO Lifesciences | |
| [EN]: Base frame SPM-6A1 electrical height adjustable ***Valid if purchased as a spare part *** / ESCO Lifesciences | |
| [EN]: Base frame STL-3A0 for ESCO MSW 0.9 ***Valid if purchased as a spare part *** / ESCO Lifesciences | |
| [EN]: Base frame STL-4A0 for ESCO MSW 1.2 ***Valid if purchased as a spare part *** / ESCO Lifesciences | |
| [EN]: Base frame STL-5A0 for ESCO MSW 1.5 ***Valid if purchased as a spare part *** / ESCO Lifesciences | |
| [EN]: Base frame STL-6A0 for ESCO MSW 1.8 ***Valid if purchased as a spare part *** / ESCO Lifesciences | |
| [EN]: Biological Safety Cabinet Airstream® AC1-4E8 Class I, 1.2m/4ft / ESCO Lifesciences | |
| [EN]: Biological Safety Cabinet Airstream® AC2-4D8 ClassII D-Series, stainless steel side wall 4ft/1.2m, 230 VAC, 50/60 Hz / ESCO Lifesciences | |
| [EN]: Biological Safety Cabinet Airstream® AC2-6D8 ClassII D-Series, stainless steel side wall 6ft/1.8m, 230 VAC, 50/60 Hz / ESCO Lifesciences | |
| [EN]: Biological Safety Cabinet Labculture® LB2-5B1-E class II B2 (Total Exhaust) 5ft/1.5m / ESCO Lifesciences | |
| [EN]: C-Series Interface Board 11 Pins Membrane Keypad; 51 x 23 x 1.6 mm / ESCO Lifesciences | |
| [EN]: Carbon clamp filter for ADC-3 / ESCO Lifesciences | |
| [EN]: CelCulture® Incubator CCL-050T-8, 50 L IR sensor, CO2 & O2 control, 230 VAC, 50/60 Hz / ESCO Lifesciences | |
| [EN]: CelCulture® Incubator CCL-170T-8, 170 L IR sensor, CO2 & O2 control, ULPA filter 230 VAC, 50/60 Hz / ESCO Lifesciences | |
| [EN]: CelCulture® Incubator CCL-170T-8-NF, 170 L IR sensor, CO2-&O2-control, no ULPA filter 230 VAC, 50/60 Hz / ESCO Lifesciences | |
| [EN]: CelCulture® Incubator CCL-240T-8, 240 L IR sensor, CO2 & O2 control, ULPA filter 230 VAC, 50/60 Hz / ESCO Lifesciences | |
| [EN]: CelCulture® Incubator CCL-240T-8-NF, 240 L IR sensor, CO2-&O2-control, no ULPA filter 230 VAC, 50/60 Hz / ESCO Lifesciences | |
| [EN]: CelCulture® Incubator, 170L, IR sensor, CO2 control, Moist Heat Decon, Peltier System, 230VAC, 50/60 Hz / ESCO Lifesciences | |
| [EN]: CO2 Incubator ULPA Filter and Inline Filter for Direct Mounting Type / ESCO Lifesciences | |
| [EN]: Code A Standard Filter CFA-11 425x520x65mm ***Valid if purchased as a spare part *** / ESCO Lifesciences | |
| [EN]: Code A Standard Filter CFA-11 440x520x65mm ***Valid if purchased as a spare part *** / ESCO Lifesciences | |
| [EN]: Code A Standard Filter CFA-2 595mm x 520mm x 65 ***Valid if purchased as a spare part *** / ESCO Lifesciences | |
| [EN]: Code A Standard Filter CFA-3 745x520x65mm ***Valid if purchased as a spare part *** / ESCO Lifesciences | |
| [EN]: Code A Standard Filter CFA-4 440x460x65mm ***Valid if purchased as a spare part *** / ESCO Lifesciences | |
| [EN]: Code A Standard Filter CFA-6 745x460x65mm ***Valid if purchased as a spare part *** / ESCO Lifesciences | |
| [EN]: Code A Standard Secondary Backup Filter 1205mm x 546mm x 40mm ***Valid if purchased as a spare part *** / ESCO Lifesciences | |
| [EN]: Code A Standard Secondary Backup Filter CFA-10 748mm x 546mm x 40mm ***Valid if purchased as a spare part *** / ESCO Lifesciences | |
| [EN]: Code A Standard Secondary Backup Filter CFA-7 foür Ascent Opti Standard ***Valid if purchased as a spare part *** / ESCO Lifesciences | |
| [EN]: Code A Standard Secondary Backup Filter CFA-8 900mm x 546mm x 40mm ***Valid if purchased as a spare part *** / ESCO Lifesciences | |
| [EN]: Code B Acid filter CFB-1 ***Valid if purchased as a spare part *** / ESCO Lifesciences | |
| [EN]: Code B Acid Filter CFB-11 440mm x 520mm x 65mm ***Valid if purchased as a spare part *** / ESCO Lifesciences | |
| [EN]: Code B Acid filter CFB-2 595mm x 520mm x 65 mm ***Valid if purchased as a spare part *** / ESCO Lifesciences | |
| [EN]: Code B Acid Filter CFB-3 745mm x 520mm x 65mm ***Valid if purchased as a spare part *** / ESCO Lifesciences | |
| [EN]: Code B Acid Filter CFB-4 440mm x 460mm x 65mm ***Valid if purchased as a spare part *** / ESCO Lifesciences | |
| [EN]: Code B Acid Filter CFB-6 745mm x 460mm x 65mm ***Valid if purchased as a spare part *** / ESCO Lifesciences | |
| [EN]: Code B Acid Secondary Backup Filter CFB-10 748mm x 546mm x 40mm ***Valid if purchased as a spare part *** / ESCO Lifesciences | |
| [EN]: Code B Acid Secondary Backup Filter CFB-9 1205mm x 546mm x 40mm ***Valid if purchased as a spare part *** / ESCO Lifesciences | |
| [EN]: Code B Secondary filter Acid CFB-7 655x546x40mm ***Valid if purchased as a spare part *** / ESCO Lifesciences | |
| [EN]: Code B Secondary filter acid CFB-8 900x546x40mm ***Valid if purchased as a spare part *** / ESCO Lifesciences | |
| [EN]: Code C Mercury Filter CFC-1 440mm x 520mm x 65mm ***Valid if purchased as a spare part *** / ESCO Lifesciences | |
| [EN]: Code C Mercury Filter CFC-11 440mm x 520mm x 65mm ***Valid if purchased as a spare part *** / ESCO Lifesciences | |
| [EN]: Code C Mercury Filter CFC-2 595mm x 520mm x 65mm ***Valid if purchased as a spare part *** / ESCO Lifesciences | |
| [EN]: Code C Mercury Filter CFC-3 745mm x 520mm x 65mm ***Valid if purchased as a spare part *** / ESCO Lifesciences | |
| [EN]: Code C Mercury Filter CFC-4 440mm x 460mm x 65mm ***Valid if purchased as a spare part *** / ESCO Lifesciences | |
| [EN]: Code C Mercury Filter CFC-6 745mm x 460mm x 65mm ***Valid if purchased as a spare part *** / ESCO Lifesciences | |
| [EN]: Code C Mercury Secondary Backup Filter CFC-10 748mm x 546mm x 40mm ***Valid if purchased as a spare part *** / ESCO Lifesciences | |
| [EN]: Code C Mercury Secondary Backup Filter CFC-7 655mm x 546mm x 40mm ***Valid if purchased as a spare part *** / ESCO Lifesciences | |
| [EN]: Code C Mercury Secondary Backup Filter CFC-8 900mm x 546mm x 40mm ***Valid if purchased as a spare part *** / ESCO Lifesciences | |
| [EN]: Code C Mercury Secondary Backup Filter CFC-9 1205mm x 546mm x 40mm ***Valid if purchased as a spare part *** / ESCO Lifesciences | |
| [EN]: Code D Sulphur Filter CFD-1 440mm x 520mm x 65mm ***Valid if purchased as a spare part *** / ESCO Lifesciences | |
| [EN]: Code D Sulphur Filter CFD-11 440mm x 520mm x 65mm ***Valid if purchased as a spare part *** / ESCO Lifesciences | |
| [EN]: Code D Sulphur Filter CFD-2 595mm x 520mm x 65mm ***Valid if purchased as a spare part *** / ESCO Lifesciences | |
| [EN]: Code D sulphur filter CFD-3 745x520x65mm ***Valid if purchased as a spare part *** / ESCO Lifesciences | |
| [EN]: Code D Sulphur Filter CFD-4 440mm x 460mm x 65mm ***Valid if purchased as a spare part *** / ESCO Lifesciences | |
| [EN]: Code D Sulphur Filter CFD-6 745mm x 460mm x 65mm ***Valid if purchased as a spare part *** / ESCO Lifesciences | |
| [EN]: Code D Sulphur Secondary Backup Filter CFD-10 748mm x 546mm x 40mm ***Valid if purchased as a spare part *** / ESCO Lifesciences | |
| [EN]: Code D Sulphur Secondary Backup Filter CFD-7 655mm x 546mm x 40mm ***Valid if purchased as a spare part *** / ESCO Lifesciences | |
| [EN]: Code D Sulphur Secondary Backup Filter CFD-8 900mm x 546mm x 40mm ***Valid if purchased as a spare part *** / ESCO Lifesciences | |
| [EN]: Code D Sulphur Secondary Backup Filter CFD-9 1205mm x 546mm x 40mm ***Valid if purchased as a spare part *** / ESCO Lifesciences | |
| [EN]: Code E Halogen Filter CFE-1 440mm x 520mm x 65mm ***Valid if purchased as a spare part *** / ESCO Lifesciences | |
| [EN]: Code E Halogen Filter CFE-11 440mm x 520mm x 65mm ***Valid if purchased as a spare part *** / ESCO Lifesciences | |
| [EN]: Code E Halogen Filter CFE-2 595mm x 520mm x 65mm ***Valid if purchased as a spare part *** / ESCO Lifesciences | |
| [EN]: Code E Halogen Filter CFE-3 745mm x 520mm x 65mm ***Valid if purchased as a spare part *** / ESCO Lifesciences | |
| [EN]: Code E Halogen Filter CFE-4 440mm x 460mm x 65mm ***Valid if purchased as a spare part *** / ESCO Lifesciences | |
| [EN]: Code E Halogen Filter CFE-6 745mm x 460mm x 65mm ***Valid if purchased as a spare part *** / ESCO Lifesciences | |
| [EN]: Code E Halogen Secondary Backup Filter CFE-10 748mm x 546mm x 40mm ***Valid if purchased as a spare part *** / ESCO Lifesciences | |
| [EN]: Code E Halogen Secondary Backup Filter CFE-7 655mm x 546mm x 40mm ***Valid if purchased as a spare part *** / ESCO Lifesciences | |
| [EN]: Code E Halogen Secondary Backup Filter CFE-8 900mm x 546mm x 40mm ***Valid if purchased as a spare part *** / ESCO Lifesciences | |
| [EN]: Code E Halogen Secondary Backup Filter CFE-9 1205mm x 546mm x 40mm ***Valid if purchased as a spare part *** / ESCO Lifesciences | |
| [EN]: Code F Aldehyde Filter CFF-1 440mm x 520mm x 65mm ***Valid if purchased as a spare part *** / ESCO Lifesciences | |
| [EN]: Code F Aldehyde Filter CFF-11 440mm x 520mm x 65mm ***Valid if purchased as a spare part *** / ESCO Lifesciences | |
| [EN]: Code F Aldehyde Filter CFF-3 745mm x 520mm x 65mm ***Valid if purchased as a spare part *** / ESCO Lifesciences | |
| [EN]: Code F Aldehyde Filter CFF-4 440mm x 460mm x 65mm ***Valid if purchased as a spare part *** / ESCO Lifesciences | |
| [EN]: Code F Aldehyde Filter CFF-6 745mm x 460mm x 65mm ***Valid if purchased as a spare part *** / ESCO Lifesciences | |
| [EN]: Code F Aldehyde Secondary Backup Filter CFF-10 748mm x 546mm x 40mm ***Valid if purchased as a spare part *** / ESCO Lifesciences | |
| [EN]: Code F Aldehyde Secondary Backup Filter CFF-7 655mm x 546mm x 40mm ***Valid if purchased as a spare part *** / ESCO Lifesciences | |
| [EN]: Code F Aldehyde Secondary Backup Filter CFF-9 1205mm x 546mm x 40mm ***Valid if purchased as a spare part *** / ESCO Lifesciences | |
| [EN]: Code F Main filter Aldehyde CFF-2 595x520x65mm ***Valid if purchased as a spare part *** / ESCO Lifesciences | |
| [EN]: Code F secundary filter aldehyd CFF-8 900x546x40mm ***Valid if purchased as a spare part *** / ESCO Lifesciences | |
| [EN]: Code G Ammonia/Amines Filter CFG-11 440mm x 520mm x 65mm ***Valid if purchased as a spare part *** / ESCO Lifesciences | |
| [EN]: Code G Ammonia/Amines Filter CFG-2 595mm x 520mm x 65mm ***Valid if purchased as a spare part *** / ESCO Lifesciences | |
| [EN]: Code G Ammonia/Amines Filter CFG-3 745mm x 520mm x 65mm ***Valid if purchased as a spare part *** / ESCO Lifesciences | |
| [EN]: Code G Ammonia/Amines Filter CFG-6 745mm x 460mm x 65mm ***Valid if purchased as a spare part *** / ESCO Lifesciences | |
| [EN]: Code G Ammonia/Amines Secondary Backup Filter CFG-8, 900mm x 546mm x 40mm ***Valid if purchased as a spare part *** / ESCO Lifesciences | |
| [EN]: Code G Ammonia/Amines Secondary Backup Filter CFG-9, 1205mm x 546mm x 40mm ***Valid if purchased as a spare part *** / ESCO Lifesciences | |
| [EN]: Code G Ammoniak/Aminenfilter 440 x 460 x 65 mm, pack of 2 ***Valid if purchased as a spare part *** / ESCO Lifesciences | |
| [EN]: Code G Main filter ammonia CFG-1 440x520x65mm ***Valid if purchased as a spare part *** / ESCO Lifesciences | |
| [EN]: Code G Secondary filter ammonia CFG-10 748x546x40mm ***Valid if purchased as a spare part *** / ESCO Lifesciences | |
| [EN]: Code G Secondary filter ammonia CFG-7 655x546x40mm ***Valid if purchased as a spare part *** / ESCO Lifesciences | |
| [EN]: Code H Chloroform/Ether Filter CHF-11 440mm x 520mm x 65mm ***Valid if purchased as a spare part *** / ESCO Lifesciences | |
| [EN]: Code H Chloroform/Ethers Filter CFH-4 440mm x 460mm x 65mm ***Valid if purchased as a spare part *** / ESCO Lifesciences | |
| [EN]: Code H Chloroform/Ethers Filter CFH-6 745mm x 460mm x 65mm ***Valid if purchased as a spare part *** / ESCO Lifesciences | |
| [EN]: Code H Chloroform/Ethers Filter CHF-1 440mm x 520mm x 65mm ***Valid if purchased as a spare part *** / ESCO Lifesciences | |
| [EN]: Code H Chloroform/Ethers Filter CHF-2 595mm x 520mm x 65mm ***Valid if purchased as a spare part *** / ESCO Lifesciences | |
| [EN]: Code H Chloroform/Ethers Filter CHF-3 745mm x 520mm x 65mm ***Valid if purchased as a spare part *** / ESCO Lifesciences | |
| [EN]: Code H Chloroform/Ethers Secondary Backup Filter CFH-7, 655mm x 546mm x 40mm ***Valid if purchased as a spare part *** / ESCO Lifesciences | |
| [EN]: Code H Chloroform/Ethers Secondary Backup Filter CFH-9, 1205mm x 546mm x 40mm ***Valid if purchased as a spare part *** / ESCO Lifesciences | |
| [EN]: Code H Chloroform/Ethers Secondary Backup Filter CHF-10, 748mm x 546mm x 40mm ***Valid if purchased as a spare part *** / ESCO Lifesciences | |
| [EN]: Code H Chloroform/Ethers Secondary Backup Filter CHF-8, 900mm x 546mm x 40mm ***Valid if purchased as a spare part *** / ESCO Lifesciences | |
| [EN]: Direct mounted electrical outlet - plug code C EO-HC / ESCO Lifesciences | |
| [EN]: Direct mounted electrical outlet - plug code C EO-HC ***Valid if purchased as a spare part *** / ESCO Lifesciences | |
| [EN]: Electronic CO2 Analyzer COA-2010-F for CO2/Temp Measurement (with Temp. Probe) ***Valid if purchased as a spare part *** / ESCO Lifesciences | |
| [EN]: Electronic CO2 Analyzer COA-2010-F for CO2/Temp Measurement (with Temp. Probe) / ESCO Lifesciences | |
| [EN]: Electronic CO2 Analyzer COA-2016-F for CO2/O2/Temp Measurement (with Temp. Probe) / ESCO Lifesciences | |
| [EN]: Electronic CO2 Analyzer COA-2016-F for CO2/O2/Temp Measurement ***Valid if purchased as a spare part *** / ESCO Lifesciences | |
| [EN]: Electronic CO2 Analyzer COA-2017-F for CO2/O3/RH/Temp Measurement ***Valid if purchased as a spare part *** / ESCO Lifesciences | |
| [EN]: Electronic CO2 Analyzer COA-2017-F for CO2/O3/RH/Temp Measurement (with Temp. Probe) / ESCO Lifesciences | |
| [EN]: Enterprise Laminar Flow Straddle Unit 1.2m/4' Width, Single Sided Operation / ESCO Lifesciences | |
| [EN]: Ergonomic Foot Rest F-Rest ***Valid if purchased as a spare part *** / ESCO Lifesciences | |
| [EN]: European Style Service Fixture mit 20mm Gewindelänge - Vacuum / ESCO Lifesciences | |
| [EN]: European Style Service Fixture SF-1G20 with 20mm Thread Length - Gas ***Valid if purchased as a spare part *** / ESCO Lifesciences | |
| [EN]: European Style Service Fixture SF-1V20 mit 20mm Gewindelength - Vacuum ***Valid if purchased as a spare part *** / ESCO Lifesciences | |
| [EN]: European Style Service Fixture with 20mm Thread Length - Gas / ESCO Lifesciences | |
| [EN]: Exhaust Collar AC2-3E/S/D/G ***Valid if purchased as a spare part *** / ESCO Lifesciences | |
| [EN]: Exhaust Collar AC2-3E/S/D/G *Valid if purchased together w. a matching device* / ESCO Lifesciences | |
| [EN]: Exhaust Collar ECO-AC2-4 Gen3 for AC2-4E/S/D/G ***Valid if purchased as a spare part *** / ESCO Lifesciences | |
| [EN]: Exhaust Collar for AC2-4E/S/D/G (ECO-AC2-4 Gen3) / ESCO Lifesciences | |
| [EN]: Exhaust HEPA Filter for ADC-4E HP-ADC4E / ESCO Lifesciences | |
| [EN]: Extra copper shelf COA-2026-F with 2 support rails for 50 L ***Valid if purchased as a spare part *** / ESCO Lifesciences | |
| [EN]: Extra copper shelf COA-2026-F with 2 support rails for 50 L / ESCO Lifesciences | |
| [EN]: Extra copper shelf COA-2027-F with 2 support rails for 170 L / ESCO Lifesciences | |
| [EN]: Extra copper shelf COA-2027-F with 2 support rails for 170 L ***Valid if purchased as a spare part *** / ESCO Lifesciences | |
| [EN]: Extra copper shelf COA-2028-F with 2 support rails for 240 L / ESCO Lifesciences | |
| [EN]: Extra copper shelf COA-2028-F with 2 support rails for 240 L ***Valid if purchased as a spare part *** / ESCO Lifesciences | |
| [EN]: Extra stainless steel shelf COA-2007-F with 2 support rails for 170 L / ESCO Lifesciences | |
| [EN]: Extra stainless steel shelf COA-2007-F with 2 support rails for 170 L ***Valid if purchased as a spare part *** / ESCO Lifesciences | |
| [EN]: Extra stainless steel shelf COA-2024-F with 2 support rails for 50 L / ESCO Lifesciences | |
| [EN]: Extra stainless steel shelf COA-2024-F with 2 support rails for 50 L ***Valid if purchased as a spare part *** / ESCO Lifesciences | |
| [EN]: Extra stainless steel shelf COA-2025-F with 2 support rails for 240 L ***Valid if purchased as a spare part *** / ESCO Lifesciences | |
| [EN]: Extra stainless steel shelf COA-2025-F with 2 support rails for 240 L / ESCO Lifesciences | |
| [EN]: Filter, ULPA for AC2-3 G3 (Exhaust) - spare part - / ESCO Lifesciences | |
| [EN]: Floor stand COA-2002-F for 170 L, ***Valid if purchased as a spare part *** / ESCO Lifesciences | |
| [EN]: Floor stand COA-2002-F for 170 L, 8" adjustable feet / ESCO Lifesciences | |
| [EN]: Floor stand COA-2003-F 170 L, 700 mm / ESCO Lifesciences | |
| [EN]: Floor stand COA-2003-F 170 L, 700 mm ***Valid if purchased as a spare part *** / ESCO Lifesciences | |
| [EN]: Floor stand COA-2020-F for 50 L, ***Valid if purchased as a spare part *** / ESCO Lifesciences | |
| [EN]: Floor stand COA-2020-F for 50 L, 8" adjustable feet / ESCO Lifesciences | |
| [EN]: Floor stand COA-2021-F for 240 L, ***Valid if purchased as a spare part *** / ESCO Lifesciences | |
| [EN]: Floor stand COA-2021-F for 240 L, 8" adjustable feet / ESCO Lifesciences | |
| [EN]: Floor stand COA-2022-F for 50 L, 700 mm / ESCO Lifesciences | |
| [EN]: Floor stand COA-2022-F for 50 L, 700 mm ***Valid if purchased as a spare part *** / ESCO Lifesciences | |
| [EN]: Floor stand for COA-2023-F for 240 L, 700 mm / ESCO Lifesciences | |
| [EN]: Floor stand for COA-2023-F for 240 L, 700 mm ***Valid if purchased as a spare part *** / ESCO Lifesciences | |
| [EN]: Frontier® DuoTM Fume Hood EFD-6A8 1800mm, rocker switches, 220-240 VAC, 50/60 Hz, 1 Ø / ESCO Lifesciences | |