Coded Cryobank Vial Systems Nunc™

Take traditional cryostorage to the next level while accommodating denser storage capability compared to standard cryoboxes. Thermo Scientific™ Nunc™ Coded Cryobank Vial Systems feature laser etched 2D barcodes and standard microplate format racks. Compatible with the complete line of 2D barcode readers, capping/decapping equipment and labeling options, Cryobank tubes can be used in manual or automated storage of biological samples down to vapor phase liquid nitrogen. Cryobank products meet leading certification requirements and are available in a volume range of 0.5 to 5.0 ml.
Nominal capacity
Bottom shapeColour closurePackagePKCat. No. Ref. FabricantePrecio/Unidad
de embalaje/EUR
Cantidad mínima de venta
0.5FlatTransparent10 Rack(s) of 96 pcs9604.009 046 3740861.256,151
0.5FlatBlue10 Rack(s) of 96 pcs9604.658 433 3740251.222,121
0.5FlatRed10 Rack(s) of 96 pcs9604.658 434 3740261.222,121
0.5FlatGreen10 Rack(s) of 96 pcs9604.658 435 3740271.222,121
1.0FlatTransparent10 Rack(s) of 96 pcs9604.009 048 3740881.268,531
1.0FlatBlue10 Rack(s) of 96 pcs9604.658 438 3741301.230,371
1.0FlatRed10 Rack(s) of 96 pcs9604.658 437 3741201.230,371
1.0FlatGreen10 Rack(s) of 96 pcs9604.658 436 3741101.230,371
2.0FlatTransparent10 Rack(s) of 48 pcs4807.672 778 374221845,691
2.0FlatTransparent20 Bag(s) of 48 pcs9609.401 435 3742581.505,731
5.0FlatTransparent10 Rack(s) of 48 pcs14.658 439 374220100,1310
5.0FlatTransparent11 Bag(s) of 48 pcs5289.401 438 3742611.111,771